Window Shrinkage in EPDM and Modified Bitumen Roofs
By Stacy MelleteHave you ever heard about roofing shrinkage? This common roofing issue occurs in EPDM and modified bitumen roofing, but what is it and what causes it in the first place? Today, the leading local roofing contractor in Tampa FL has a quick guide to roofing shrinkage.
What Does Roofing Shrinkage Look Like?
While roof shrinkage technically involves parts of the roof shrinking to an extent, it rarely makes your roof look visibly smaller. The more obvious sign of roof shrinkage are highly visible gaps running along the seams where the roofing surface rolls were initially laid out.
What Causes It?
Experts on residential roofing say that roof shrinkage is caused by the presence of two factors. First is the wear and tear caused by moisture and ever-changing temperatures that cause the roof to expand and contract. Next, improper installation can cause individual sections of the roof to not be properly spaced to account for contraction, making the seams even more likely to appear.
How Does Shrinkage Affect the Property?
Roof shrinkage can lead to very serious consequences if left unchecked. Every gap along the seams can cause serious leaking issues the next time it rains in the area. The seams can also compromise the property’s overall insulation, which can keep it from being energy efficient.
Getting Help from Professionals
If you suspect any sign of roof shrinkage on your property, you need to contact a roofing company ASAP. Such a common but serious problem needs to be addressed even before the first signs of shrinkage have appeared. Depending on the severity of the problem, the experts may recommend minor repairs or laying out a fresh layer of EPDM or modified bitumen roofing.
Avoid roof shrinkage with help from our experts. Affordable Roofing Systems is the residential roofing contractor in Clearwater and Tampa, FL.
You can call us at (813) 542-8462 or fill out this contact form to request a quote.